Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Technology Integration Plan

Technology Integration Plan: Sea Creatures in Science

In my future classroom, I plan on being a first or second grade teacher that teaches math, science, social studies, and english. For my technology integration plan, I would like to have my students participate in a fun, three-week science project. For my students’ science project, students will draw a paper from a hat. Each paper has a specific sea creature on it that they will be assigned to for their project. The first week the students will be able to do their research in the classroom or computer room and will receive an ample amount of time in order to answer their questions they are required to answer for their research. The second week students will be creating their own posterboard so that they can design and display their information that they found on their sea creature. This will also give students the opportunity to be creative with their poster. The third week the students will be getting in groups of eight (there are eight different sea creatures) in order to work on creating a skit where they will also be incorporating their information about their creatures. This will be something fun for the kids to do and is a great way for the students to present what they learned instead of getting nervous about “presenting” their project.
For the whole three-week science project, I will be creating a webquest for the students to use in order to follow the steps to their project, as well as have a way to find out what materials they will need to use in order to do this project. I will also be making a rubric for the student’s project so that they will know what is required of them in order for them to do well. During the three weeks that this project is going on, I will create a sea creature blog. Every week, each student has to write a journal about what they learned, interesting things they discovered, and post comments or questions they may have. This will help the students progressively evaluate how they are doing with their projects. At the end of the three weeks, students will also be given a survey that I created not to test them, but to see how they felt about the project, what they liked and didn’t like, and what they learned overall. This will help the students to reflect and think after the project, what they did, and what they learned. I decided to use these technologies because they benefit my students the most. They benefit them by thinking, reflecting, and growing from what they learn. These pieces of technology aid my students in making the project a worthwhile learning experience.
This project will not only help my students to learn about sea creatures and learn something in science, but it will also teach them that they can use technology in order to aid them in their learning. Students will not be graded on every assignment that they do, and this will help them to remember that this project is supposed to be fun.  The journal blog that the students do each week, and the survey they do at the end of the project, will help them not only to reflect on their work and how they are doing, but it will also help me to see how I am doing and if my students are successively progressing in their learning. This project will also help them to learn about new tools in technology that may be helpful to use throughout the year with other assignments. Since the students will be familiar with the digital tools, it will be more beneficial to their learning when used in the classroom.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Slideshare: Assignment 12A

Slidecast is great. Its a podcast and a slideshow all in one! This is great for when a teacher needs to create a slideshow for his/her students to take notes on.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Assignment 12B Lost Arts of Teaching

1. Do you think technology can enhance learning? Why or why not?
I do believe that technology can enhance learning because they are tools to help aid teachers in presenting or teaching information in different ways. Technology is not only to create some convenience for a teacher. It helps to grab the student's attention and helps teachers to better reach their students. Technology is not always convenient for teachers, Sometimes technology is very time consuming and can cause a lot of issues and delays when it comes to teaching a lesson.
2. What are the factors that affect decisions on whether to use technology and how to use technology in the classroom?
Some of the factors on whether to use technology or not in the classroom are: time, type of lesson, type of activity, age group of students, etc.
-Technology can become very time consuming and this can take away from the meaning and importance of a lesson.
-Depending on what the students are learning, using technology to display something may be very useful, or may stray away from the main point of the lesson.
-Depending on the activity being done in class, the teacher may choose not to use technology. If the students are making something such as a skit or a poster-board, technology will just distract them from their objectives. But if their activity includes doing research on a topic, then using technology may become very beneficial in the work students are doing.
-Depending on the age group of the students being taught, technology can be very beneficial and also not beneficial. Younger students may use computers by doing research and may be more interested in powerpoints and videos the teacher presents, but older students may take advantage of technology by using computers just to get on facebook and will be less interested in powerpoints and videos. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Assignment #11 Podcasting

Podcasting is a great digital tool to use within a classroom setting. Teachers/instructors can teach a short lesson, have students listen to music and other sounds, and can have students respond and comment to the podcast. Teachers can also use podcasting when class is cancelled. This way, students can keep up with their work and not get behind. Podcasting is an interesting way for students to do their homework or classwork by using the computer. If we make schoolwork more technology oriented, will students be more likely to do their work?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

“Learning with Games and Simulations” Assignment 10


Bumble Numbers

This game was a great tool for students to use to practice their math skills. It was fun and entertaining.

Operation Order

This game is a great tool to get elementary students to practice and sharpen their skills dealing with order of operations and how to put an equation in order to get the correct answer.

Concept Map Assignment: Webspiration

This concept mapping tool called Webspiration would be a great tool to use within a classroom setting. This is because in a school setting, it is sometimes difficult to present difficult and detailed lessons with your class. A concept map will help students to see the steps and the process of a certain object and will help the students to link connecting ideas to one another. I used graduation as an example of a concept map because it shows students what the steps are and what components link together to help you to graduate. The graduation hat, the main point, leads to the big clock at the top of the concept map. This shows that it takes time to perform the tasks needed in order to graduate. The other links lead to classwork, homework, and links to class and homework. Links to class and homework include a bus, a laptop, and a usb drive because all of these objects are portable and travel from the home to the classroom.  The classwork link leads to three other links: objects that relate to school social life, tools used by the teacher, and tools used by the student in order to complete classwork. The last link from the graduation hat is the homework link. This link has a backpack that is connected to an open book and a calculator, two things that apply to doing homework and studying.

Concept Map: Graduation